Monday, November 28, 2016

jsPDF - how to use, updated to December 2016

The following is an example of how to  implement the jspdf.js library in order to create PDF pages  out of the current website.

The JS libraries needed  can be downloaded here:

jspdf.min.js     html2canvas.js

Please contact me or write down your comment  if you find any bugs.

<script  type="text/javascript" src='jspdf.min.js'></script>

 <script  type="text/javascript" src='html2canvas.js'></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

function genPDF()


 html2canvas(document.body, {

  onrendered : function(canvas)




        var canvas1 = document.createElement('canvas');

        canvas1.width = canvas.width;    canvas1.height = canvas.height;

        var context1 = canvas1.getContext('2d');     

        context1.drawImage(canvas, 0,0);

        options = {orientation: "0", unit: "mm",format: "a4" };     

        var doc = new jsPDF(options,'p', 'pt', 'a4');  

        var number_needed_pages = canvas.height / 900;

        if(number_needed_pages < 1) number_needed_pages = 1; 

        for(var x=0; x < number_needed_pages ; x++) 


         var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');  

         canvas2.width = 794; canvas2.height = 900;  

         var context2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');    

         context2.drawImage(canvas1, 0 , 0 + 900*x , canvas1.width, canvas2.height, 50, 0,  canvas.width, canvas2.height); 

        doc.addImage(canvas2.toDataURL('image/png'), 'JPEG', '', '', '');  


        } "output_file.pdf");  

      } catch(e){alert(e);} 





You must specify a path to Genymotion folder to use this feature (Android Studio)

what to do:

1. Open Genymotion itself (the round & pink icon on your desktop).

 2. Choose the "Settings" option from the upper menu.

 3. Choose the option "ADB" from the upper menu.

4. Select "Use Android custon SDK tools". Put the following path inside "Android SDK": C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion

 Why does it happen? you're getting the notice "You must specify a path to Genymotion folder to use this feature" because there's a bug in Genymotion working on Windows that misleads the Genymotion engine while trying to use the Android SDK.

Additional links: